Thursday, April 2, 2009

and again

I've done it again...done something extremely risky, dangerous, and irresponsible that could jeopardize not only my school and work, but also my life and my freedom.

I can't deny it anymore. I need help.

I hate AA. I don't like the concept of Celebration Recovery. I haven't heard of any other groups to help alcoholics get sober and straight.

I can't keep doing irreversible damage to my body and mind in search of fleeting happiness. It's not healthy...And I will die.

And I will fail...That is a fate worse than my own demise.


'mouse said...

I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It does sound like AA is necessary if you can't do it yourself.

Also, I'd ask you to re-think that last sentence. Lots of people fail in lots of horrible horrible ways. Life goes on and you get second and third and 100th chances. The world without you is not acceptable to a lot of people.

jaded_beauty said...

Thanks 'mouse!

Are there no other alternatives to AA?

'mouse said...

I typed "alternatives to AA" into google and this popped up along with other stuff. You might try it and add your city.