Welllll, I am officially a money hungry IDIOT. I've agreed to work a total of 48 hours a week for the next who the hell knows how long. On top of that, tonight is the start of a 7 day stretch with no day off. I don't even LIKE these jobs. Matter of fact, I hate these jobs! Fuck. I am so ready for grad school that I can't stand myself. (that is if I am accepted. if not, I might as well just pack my shit and move under a fucking bridge somewhere. I can't work at a dumb hotel my whole life.)
I've been a little "blue" lately. I can't quite call it depressed because I've BEEN depressed and this isn't it. Anyways. I was at home today, cooking and cleaning, and two guys knock on my door. The apartment complex neglected to let me know that they had scheduled me for a carpet cleaning (Thank GOD I was even scheduled. I've been there almost four years and they've never cleaned the carpets!). The guys come in and take a quick look around. My place looked like, well, like I live there. Long story shorter, I had on NO makeup, my hair was doing some weird bird's nest thing, and I was covered in dog hair and refrigerator junk. No big deal except the black dude was HOT. He was tall, dark complexioned (is that a word?), and had a sexy deep voice. They leave. I'm embarassed. Whatev. About five minutes later, the hot one comes back upstairs with his business card and phone number. SCORE! Pretty good considering I've looked like hell and I've been arguing with Marcus for about a week now.
On another note, I found a flash drive from 2007 in my kitchen. It contained a ton of MP3s and one assignment from my Short Story class. I opened it expecting to find some gem that I had forgotten about. NOPE. While the premise was great, one situation from two characters POV, the writing itself was SHIT. I'm going to post it for a good laugh.
Class is kicking my ass. Not because I'm taking anything particularly difficult, but because I have no motivation. I don't feel like reading anything. I don't feel like forming sentences. I don't even feel like showing up to class. Some of the assignments seem simple enough, but I am no familiar with the types of writing that is being requested. I don't know what a theoretical model is and I definitely don't know what a research proposal should look like. I have been thinking about asking someone who's already an established professor to help me, but I would feel like an idiot...That and the last time I asked a professor for help, she kind of blew me off a little bit.
I guess I'm going to try to write something for African American History. I love this class. My professor is hot. I just don't want to do it! BEH. Wish me luck I guess.
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