Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just a few reasons why...

I suck. Would you like to know why? Yeah, of course you don't, but since no one I know in REAL life reads this, and the people that do in internet world only catch it when they have nothing better to do...I will elaborate.

1. The only person (other than the grandrents, my brother, and a select few friends) that I give a FUCK about, has failed me...YEAH YEAH...Saving me from whatev...STFU, ANYWAYS...The only person I give a FUCK about has decided that he needed to save me from his stupid self...So much for devoting myself to someone..

2. Financial Aid has decided I get a WHOPPING SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS this semester because I made too much last year...

3. My family thinks my field of study is stupid and not worth the money.

4. My friends think that me getting drunk and entertaining them is more important than SCHOOL.

5. I'm friends with my ex's BABY'S MOTHER...WHO MAY OR MAY NOT BE HAVING TWINS!!!! Why? because I aM THE BETTER PERSON....pffft.

6. I haven't had GOOD sex since the bad man moved for "work" (AKA NUMBER 5)

7. I'm FAT...Not big rolls fat...Not even little rolls fat...just fat. pudgy...."SEXY IN MY OWN WAY" fat..

8. I may or may not be racist...TOWARDS MY OWN RACE.



Anonymous said...

Just so you know, you are fantastic.You are sexy in your own way and thats all that needs to be said--you can leave the pudgy out because it's not really true.As for "him" I think you are finally beginning to see that you were an unfortunate pawn in his game of life, you got caught in his path of destruction and you are strong and wiser because of it.Always remember that he loved you as much as HE was capable of, but he is selfish and self destructive and you can't change someone who believes its ok to treat people that way.At least you are not wondering whether you are going to 1 or 2 of his kids,you left that to a less intellegant person who still believes she and a baby he's never met will change him....and it will not. Remember me and my family love you :)....and you are welcome at your "vacation home" anytime

Anonymous said...

ex's baby's mother

friends who love to drink with you

financial aid worries

all this calls for a song link because there's nothing like the blues to cure the blues

jaded_beauty said...

LaKrisha (AHEM "anonymous")I love you and your family, too!

'mouse...That's AWESOME.