Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rant...A real rant.

*Thank Facebook and for this diatribe.

I love the South...I just hate you "Red State" bastards with your backwards ass ideas and closed-minded bullshit. I'm also tired of your stupid unpatriotic attitudes and ignorance-fueled hatred. You idiots wouldn't be bitching and calling people liars in a professional setting if McCain were president. Everyone knows you're a backwoods, racist, confederate flag waving moron. I grew up with you...I know what kind of people created you.

How dare you try to censor the words of our chosen leader?! I didn't like Bush, but you didn't see me (or other Anti-Bush citizens) throwing a fucking temper tantrum everytime he was scheduled to open his mouth. At least this President doesn't make up his own words.

And as for your stupid ass opinions relating to gay marriage, etc..., SHUT THE FUCK UP. I'm quite positive more than half of you idiots have gotten drunk and played rug doctor or hide-the-weenie with your best friends. Don't deny that shit now. You liked it...You probably loved it, but you were too worried about being disowned by mommy and daddy to do something that would make you happy. The only reason you oppose gay marriage is because you're stuck in some miserable arrangement "for the kids sake" with a womanizing prick. You're afraid that someone else might be happy. That's not my problem, that's yours. You should've had an abortion then you wouldn't be stuck with some semi-retarded, breast feeding four year old.

AND on that note, you talk too damned much. "Joannah Lee Bob Blossom Fucker loves her life with her family!!!1!!" If you post bullshit like this everyday, you're full of shit. You're lucky I don't call you on it. I'm not the only one sick of your bullshit. Some of us are single and loving it...We pity you.

Single folks: Constantly changing your relationship status? Have you thought that maybe it's you? Think about it or slit your wrists the next time your boyfriend of two long months breaks up with you.

The terrible part about this is that it's genetic. Your parents were dumbfucks, you're a dumbfuck, and those ugly little bastards you call your children are going to be dumbfucks. Go exercise your 2nd Amendment right. Maybe you'll kill each other off.


'mouse said...

Wow, I wander off for a few weeks and all of a sudden there are actual posts to read. You could have let me know and Idda been here earlier.

jaded_beauty said...

It's okay, 'mouse. I never know when I am have something important to say or when I THINK I have something important to say. I know someone will always show up either way. :)