Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm not even sure why I give a damn anymore.


'moues said...

Because there are those of us out here who think you're a mighty fine person. Mighty fine.

jaded_beauty said...

Thanks, 'mouse...Or 'moues...I just don't know that it's worth it these days.

'mouse said...

Moues should know better than to type drunk. Or sober but in need of a drink.

As for it, it is definitely worth it. At least it is here in the Land of Milk and Honey(tm). Seriously, where I live, before it was called Silicon Valley was known as "The Valley of Hearts Desire."

Perhaps it's time you moved to a new town and break from the past.

jaded_beauty said...

In January of 2012, I plan on doing just that. Not much I can do until then.