Sunday, December 26, 2010

I spent two and a half hours crying at a bar alone...tonight...on Christmas day...over my father...My mother text me and asked me to call her...the first thing she said? "I'm sorry. I miss him, too, sometimes..." Yeah...So pot should be legal...that's all she does that renders her judgment so much that she makes me openly sob at a bar...My dad? He killed himself...while he was high on front of my little brother and lets just legalize that shit because no one ever does anything stupid while high.

I'm not sure why this is now on my blog, but it is... This is why I hate weed. WTFEVER.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sucks, really!! I hope you find peace in knowing that you are not to blame and that you are the author of your own making. Don't lose sight of your dreams...